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Leadership Week 8 Case Study 1

Leadership Week 8 Case Study

Q Read case study 15.3 in Northouse (2016) on pages 414-415 and respond to the following questions: What advancement barriers is Marina encountering? What should Roy have said when Marina told him she was pregnant? What could Roy do to ensure the Marina’s work will be covered during her absence and that taking this time off will not hurt her advancement? What type of organizational changes can be made to benefit Marina and other pregnant women in this organization? Reference: Northouse (2016) Leadership theory and practice (7th ed) Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage publications.

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Marina is a very dedicated and ambitious married woman who works in the manufacturing company in the position of senior managing director. She has a desire to increase in her position and is trying hard to advance and to get promoted to a top executive position. She has been working for the company for 10 years and is loyal to it and has on these years gradually raised herself from the lower position to the more superior position.